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welcome to the hanover cloud online portal
GIVING YOU COMPLETE CONTOL Hanover Cloud is a “Zero Deployment” web-based application suite for you and your team to manage and update all your Hanover Destination Displays and Passenger Information Systems.
Compatible with outputs generated by our popular Windows Desktop Application HELEN, HERALD and Hanover Central Compatible with all Hanover Ethernet equipped products (e.g. DG3, EG3 RS, EG4, Smart TFT etc.) Contact us to find out more
Hanover Cloud fleet Fleet provides you with an overview of all your vehicles, with a detailed list of all Hanover equipment that is currently fitted.
Manage vehicle fleet Organise Hanover assets with each vehicle Assign your vehicle to depots or groups
Hanover Cloud health Health monitors the fleet-wide operational status, making it easy to check equipment firmware, serial numbers & connection times .
Monitor all equipment for connectivity and operational status View installed Firmware versions View equipment serial numbers
Hanover Cloud transfers Transfers enables you to upload, publish and view transfer statuses from your desktop, by vehicle group, type and depot .
Transfer files instantly and remotely Ability to schedule transfers in advance Monitor transfer status (installed, pending, failed) Saves time and labour
Hanover Cloud destinations Create, customise & preview destination lists for your Hanover equipment, including changing fonts, images & publishing to USB or online.
Destination lists stored in Hanover Cloud for ease and availability Backed up and retrievable with Microsoft Azure Real time web support from Hanover using Hanover Cloud
Hanover Cloud Security All Hanover Cloud data is encrypted, backed up and hosted by Microsoft Azure (ISO27001)
Hanover Cloud supports Two-factor 2FA User Authentication via the Microsoft Authenticator (mobile) application Identity Access Management (IAM) is compliant to OAUTH 2.0 Open Authorization (OAUTH 2.0) is an open standard for access delegation
Data Encryption Data-in-transit Hanover Cloud Users: TLS 1.2, HTTPS Hanover Products: SFTP (HTC, Smart TFT, EG4) Data-at-rest Azure Manages Database FIPS 140-2 (AES 256-bit cipher)